
Les Rencontres du Labex ITTEM 2023: at the crossroads of transitions

From November 16 to 17, 2023, Labex ITTEM’s Rencontres will bring together all its partners for a time of sharing and reflection on the collaborations to be invented to build a mountain in transition.

The next Rencontres du Labex ITTEM will take place at the Château d’Arvillard in Savoie, north of the Belledonne massif. They will be an opportunity for Labex ITTEM’s researchers and partners – academic, institutional, associative and private – to (re)get to know each other, to discover the forms and substance of existing collaborations on different projects, and to express their wishes for future partnerships and work themes.

Through their scientific work, Labex ITTEM researchers question the “transitional capacities” of mountain territories, today marked by transformative hesitation, between bifurcation and conservatism. These annual meetings are an opportunity to share this academic knowledge and these methods outside the scientific community, but also to confront them with those who live and work there “, explains Mikaël Chambru, scientific coordinator of Labex ITTEM.

A convivial highlight in the life of Labex ITTEM, spontaneous discussions are often the starting point for new collaborations. They are also an excellent opportunity for researchers to get away from their academic jargon.

Program :

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 – From 1:30 p.m.
Round tables and discussions on Labex ITTEM partnership projects, moderated by freelance journalist Pauline Boulet:

Round Table 1: Man and nature: adapting for better sustainability?
With participants in the Alpages Sentinelles and Recibiodalprojects .

Round Table 2: Migration and cooperation: the other side of transition?
With participants in the Disfrontalp and Coopérations montagnes-métropoleprojects.

Round Table 3: Tourism and leisure: changing the rules of the game?
With participants in the projects Second homes in the mountains and Winter tourism: sharing water resources.

Round table 4: Transitions at work: opening up new avenues?
Moderated by Mikaël Chambru.

Screening and discussion of the film Recreater – in connection with the Tresapm research project in videoconference with its author, sociologist Jean Corneloup (Pacte).

Apéro-forum around posters and other initiatives (games, books….) from projects supported by Labex ITTEM.

Dinner will be followed by a screening of three films on mountain research projects supported by Labex ITTEM, followed by a discussion with the public in the presence of the researchers involved in these projects (see video presentation).

  • Transition sous tension – an investigation into local reactions to a lithium mining project in the Massif Central.
  • Transition, a ski raid in the Queyras – following in the footsteps of two researchers who set out to meet the people involved in the massif.
  • Retour au Mont Aiguille – recounting the historical reconstruction of the 1st ascent of this emblematic Vercors peak in 1492, winner of the Grand Prix Public 2023 at the Rencontres Montagnes et Sciences, where it was previewed.

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17 – 9am to 2pm
Transition in mountain areas: building collaborations, with whom, for what?

Researchers and local players: a cross-role game?
Between storytelling and statistics, how to tell the story of trajectories?

These discussion sessions will be prepared by Guillaume Dolques (I4CE), Lauren Mosdale (2TM) and Claire Vaille (Et Maintenant).

Meals and accommodation will be provided at the château, subject to availability.

To register for the next Rencontres du Labex ITTEM, please contact: ; 04 76 74 89 81
Registrations are open until October 20, 2023.

The Rencontres flyer :