Center Favre (USMB)
Antoine Favre Law Research Center
The Centre Favre covers most of the legal field (public law, private law, legal history). Its “Public Policy, Territory, Mountains, Energy” and “Contracts, Consumption, Responsibilities” research areas are closely linked to mountain issues. It employs some fifty lecturers and doctoral students. It supports master’s degree courses at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc’s Faculty of Law, and develops national and international collective interdisciplinary research.

Legal Research Center
The CRJ brings together most of the teaching and research staff and doctoral students in private and public law at Grenoble’s Faculty of Law. It is structured around three main areas of research, and also develops cross-disciplinary scientific projects involving researchers from different specialties or related disciplines. Every year, it organizes scientific events such as colloquia, conferences and seminars, and benefits from national and international partnerships.

Mountain Environments, Dynamics and Territories
Edytem is an interdisciplinary environmental research laboratory working on the interactions between societies and environments, particularly in the mountains. Its researchers mobilize and cross-fertilize perspectives from the humanities and social sciences, earth sciences, life sciences and material sciences to understand environmental trajectories at different scales.

Research group on communication issues
Gresec is a laboratory specializing in information and communication sciences. It follows the emergence of modern communication tools in their development and social implications. It brings together professors and researchers from the UGA and other French universities, and conducts an intense research program with some sixty doctoral students. It develops international partnerships and publishes the scientific journal “Les enjeux de l’information et de la communication”.

Institute for Research in Management and Economics
Irege brings together management and economics professors from five components of the USMB and Grenoble École de Management. They work together on the unifying theme of “Environmental Choices and Innovations” within two major multi-disciplinary themes: Environment, Sustainable Consumption, Tourism and Innovation, and Organizational Development. In addition to innovative research projects, Irege offers doctoral training and is involved in various publications.

Rhône-Alpes historical research laboratory
Larhra specializes in modern and contemporary history and art history. Its actor-centered approach, in all social dimensions, is applied to a variety of territories, including the mountains. He participates in the methodological renewal of interdisciplinary and applied historical research, working on oral and audiovisual sources and digital data processing. A CNRS joint research unit, it operates under the auspices of the Lumière Lyon 2 and Jean Moulin Lyon 3 universities, the UGA and the ENS de Lyon.

Mountain Ecosystems and Societies Laboratory
Comprising researchers from a number of social science and ecology disciplines, Lessem develops research aimed at better understanding the functioning and dynamics of mountain socio-ecosystems in a context of global change. Its work lies at the interface between societies and ecosystems, and is often carried out in partnership with mountain stakeholders.

Social Sciences Laboratory
Pacte is an interdisciplinary social science laboratory dedicated to building common languages and cross-disciplinary knowledge about the transformations taking place in our societies. It is also recognized as a dynamic player in research-action collaborations, notably with public, associative and private institutions, with strong links to the territories in which it operates. Pacte brings together researchers in geography, political science, sociology, urban planning, economics and history.

Sport and the social environment
The Sens laboratory studies the development of sport in relation to the social dynamics in which it is embedded, in order to describe and understand sport-related behaviors and practices. Its activities are structured around two complementary axes, one focusing on the behavior of sport participants, the other on the role of players in the development of sport and sport tourism. The theme of mountain sports and tourism is at the heart of the Sport and Development Actors (SAD) axis.