
Transition in the footsteps of Pop Sciences Mag

The article A catastrophe lente, transition lente? appeared in the latest issue of the University of Lyon’s POP’Sciences Mag, Energies, une transition à petits pas. Kirsten Koop (Pacte), a teacher-researcher at UGA’s Institut d’urbanisme et de géographie alpine, is interviewed as part of her work on social innovations playing a role in the transition.

For the researcher, these innovations are ” localized laboratories for inventing the future, but (…) they are not enough to scale up. These innovations, which involve a break with norms and practices, come up against laws and regulations whose very function is to ensure the survival of the conventional system. These innovations therefore rapidly reach the frontiers of legality”. It is therefore the question of the evolution of legal frameworks that needs to be considered.

Kirsten Koop is particularly interested in the question of transition in mountain areas, where the acceleration of climate and societal change is making it a burning issue, notably through the Transformont project supported by Labex ITTEM.

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