Researchers and local stakeholders: a handbook for transitions

The “Transition and mountain territories” post-doctorate being conducted between 2021 and 2022 within Labex ITTEM has resulted in the publication of a booklet offering thematic sheets for researchers and territorial players looking for benchmarks. The aim is to put transdisciplinarity into practice in the context of sustainable transitions.

© Jan-Baptiste Grison
© Carine Pachoud

    Conceived as an “instruction manual”, this transdisciplinary research handbook for transitions, produced by Carine Pachoud as part of her post-doctorate, is the result of reflections and work carried out on collaborations between researchers and territorial players in the context of sustainable transitions, from a conceptual and operational point of view.

    The booklet Mener des collaborations entre chercheurs et acteurs territoriaux pour les transitions en montagne – Manuel de recherche transdisciplinaire, the result of this research, offers four main thematic sheets. It provides definitions, advice, points of vigilance and food for thought on how to improve collaborative processes between researchers and stakeholders in the field. It was drawn up on the basis of a literature review, interviews with Labex researchers and scientific events held with Labex researchers and partners (see page 4 of the handbook).

    • Sheet no. 1 “Transition: what is it? It defines sustainable transition and develops four analytical approaches to transitions: socio-technological, socio-ecological, institutional and through social innovations.
    • Sheet no. 2 “Transdisciplinarity to meet the challenges of sustainable transition”: defines the concept of transdisciplinarity and explains how this new type of research emerged, what is at stake and how it works.
    • Sheet no. 3 “Collaboration between researchers and local players”: aimed more at local players. It gives advice on how to approach research in order to work together, and sets out the different ways in which researchers and local players can collaborate.
    • Sheet no. 4 “Principles for putting transdisciplinarity into practice”: develops seven principles for putting transdisciplinary research into practice, and raises points of vigilance around each of these principles.


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    Carine Pachoud

    Pacte (UGA)/Lessem (INRAE)