Transitions, circulations and migrations in the Matheys region

2023 - ...

Taking an applied, inter- and trans-disciplinary approach to history, the Master 1 and 2 History students in the Applied History course at Grenoble Alpes University are seeking to understand the past and present situation of the Matheysin region, which is in the throes of transition.

© Coll. Larhra

In connection with the latest Colloque de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire des Alpes (AIHA) Montagne enseignée, montagne enseignante, students are working on the project La Route: Transitions-Circulations-Migrations during a two-day field seminar. It focuses on the characteristics of the Matheysin region, characterized by medium-sized mountains and the road between France and Italy.

Particular attention is paid to meetings with local players (municipality, Matheysin Museum, entrepreneurs, associations, etc.), in connection with the scientific project by Konstantin Protassov (UGA) to renovate the former Little Train station building.

From a methodological point of view, students will :

– learn about field research, through a hands-on approach to experimental methods, requiring knowledge and autonomy

– understand the purpose of scientific research with stakeholders, and the epistemological and methodological issues inherent in these partnerships

– consider ways of presenting research other than the academic dissertation: exhibition, video, blog, serious game, etc.

– understand the benefits of collective research and learn about its methods. The module is run in conjunction with the M1 and M2 courses, with PhD students working on themes related to the workshop playing a key role in its design and running.



Training Matheysine Culture and heritage Planning, public policy and governance Populations and territories
