Project life

On the trail of budding researchers

A podcast takes us on a journey to discover a research project dedicated to scientific eco-volunteering in the Écrins massif.

For Silence podcast, l’esprit sauvage, an independent podcast dedicated to the great outdoors, documentarian Aurélien Frances followed in the footsteps of Anne Zanolin and Daniel Zambrano, involved in a research project dedicated to scientific eco-volunteering. Anne Zanolin is a mountain guide and member of the Nature Science Environnement network, while Daniel Zambrano is in charge of “Scientific Tourism” at Grenoble Alpes University.

The Éco-volontariat scientifique : ouvrir la recherche en montagne project, run jointly by Zone Atelier Alpes and Labex ITTEM, is part of the Refuges sentinelles research program.

It enables a non-expert public to take part in scientific research in the context of transition and adaptation to climate change in mountain societies and ecosystems, according to protocols established by researchers. In the field, Aurélien Frances collected the words of Julie, Cédric and Cylian, eco-volunteers around the Alpe de Villar d’Arène refuge in the Écrins massif.

Discover the first episode of Chercheurs en herbe des Écrins.