
Nature and mountain sports: a conference to bring the research community to life

© Jean Corneloup

Around 60 researchers are expected to attend the Assises de la recherche sur les pratiques récréa-sportives en nature from November 15 to 17, 2023 in Ardèche.

The event, organized by Cermosem – a branch of Université Grenoble Alpes attached to the Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine and the Pacte research laboratory – will take place at its Mirabel site in Ardèche.

The aim of this scientific event is to take stock of current knowledge and outline future prospects, while strengthening links with players in the field. Students, institutions and professionals are also invited. It is organized in conjunction with the Tresapm research project – Transition de la recherche et pratiques récréatives en montagne.

At a pivotal moment in the French demography of researchers working on recreational practices in nature (the pioneering generation is retiring), it is all the more essential to be able to continue organizing scientific meetings between researchers and field players to nurture the creation of a collective scientific intelligence “, explains Jean Corneloup, co-organizer of the Assises and author of the book La montagne récréative. Une transition en chemin, published in January 2023 by PUG/UGA.

The event will be organized around twelve themes, reflecting the dynamics of transformation underway: adventure, education, well-being, sobriety, social justice, e-sports, habitability, climate change, culture, the common, private property and digital practices.

At a time when considerable issues are at stake (transition, accessibility, health, nature, etc.), these conferences are invaluable in supporting emergingecological, cultural and economic trends,” say the organizers.

Many Labex ITTEM researchers are part of the organizing team.

See the program [PDF]