Labex life

Labex ITTEM organizes its partner forum

The event, to be held on November 29 and 30 in the Vercors, will provide an opportunity for all Labex ITTEM’s partners – associations, institutions and companies – to exchange views with the research community.

Labex ITTEM – Innovations et transitions territoriales en montagne – brings together over a hundred researchers working on mountain issues in the field of human and social sciences.

Coming from nine laboratories at Grenoble Alpes and Savoie Mont-Blanc Universities, as well as the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Inrae), they approach mountain issues through the prism of their different disciplines: law, economics, geography, history, communication sciences, environmental sciences, management and sport, political science, sociology and urban planning.

Increasingly, research on mountain issues has taken on an interdisciplinary dimension, enabling us to tackle problems in a more comprehensive and complementary way. The partners’ forum will showcase the numerous collaborations between researchers from different disciplines, and the potential for further developing this dialogue.

The event will also be an opportunity to shed light on the partnerships forged between researchers and partners outside the academic field: local authorities, natural and national parks, businesses, socio-professional structures and associations, etc. Transdisciplinary collaboration between researchers and local players is at the heart of Labex ITTEM’s project, to support public action within the framework of co-constructed projects.

Against a backdrop of far-reaching changes requiring us to imagine transitions, the Partners’ Forum will provide an opportunity for exchange across disciplinary and academic boundaries. It will provide an opportunity to get to know each other better and to reflect collectively on the mountains of tomorrow.

Date of the Forum :
November 29 and 30, 2021

Le Manoir aux Lauzes, 314 chemin du Manoir, Andrevière, Autrans (Vercors)

Program :

  • Monday November 29 (afternoon): cross-presentations of Labex ITTEM projects (research, training, theses…), to facilitate networking between members.
  • Monday November 29 (evening): convivial evening with the Alpes-Là association.
  • Tuesday November 30 (morning): workshop with socio-economic partners, on the benefits of collaborations between players and researchers, and the expectations of local players with regard to research.
  • Tuesday November 30 (afternoon): seminar on “Research methods in sustainability sciences”, and on inter- and trans-disciplinarity.


Event poster: