Philippe Bourdeau at a conference at Lausanne University

The Institute of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Lausanne and the HES Valais, with the support of the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur la montagne (Cirm), are offering a series of conferences on the theme: “Tourism in transition: towards a paradigm shift?”
In this context, Philippe Bourdeau, scientific coordinator of Labex ITTEM and geographer with the Pacte laboratory at Grenoble University, will speak on November 23 at a conference entitled Les territoires de montagne face aux transitions touristiques. He will takestock of the issues, dilemmas and horizons of tourism transition in the mountains, re-interrogating the forms and place of tourism to examine the dynamics of innovation likely to contribute to a “living mountain”. Arthur Clivaz, Director of Vercorin Tourisme SA, will add his perspective to the debate.
The conference will take place on November 23, 2021, online, from 7pm to 9pm.
Information and registration: https: //
Discover the full conference program.
Watch the conference replay.