Science and society

When glaciers give their voice

After a busy first season, La Voix des Glaciers is back on the road again, with five new films on board. Transition, made by researchers Yann Borgnet and Mikaël Chambru in the Queyras, is part of the journey.

The launch party for Season 2 of the Voix des Glaciers will take place in Annecy (74) on Thursday February 22, 2024 at 7pm at the Art By Friends offices. This will be the first in a long series of screenings and debates to be organized by citizens, athletes and scientists, with one aim: to open discussion on the future of mountain territories in the face of current ecological challenges.

The initiative, launched by environmental activist Camille Etienne to raise awareness of the need to protect glaciers and, more broadly, the mountains, is supported by the Protect our Winters association: ” We are aware of the economic stakes and the difficulties of adaptation that today form obstacles to change for many of the players who live from and give life to mountain regions. However, if we are to continue to make these places sustainable places to live, we need to adapt now, before we are forced to. Mountains and glaciers play a major role both for us and for ecosystems as a whole. It’ s up to us to move mountains precisely so that the real ones don’t move.

The documentary Transition, Un raid anthropologique dans le Queyras (Transition, an anthropological raid in the Queyras), will give a voice to research in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Grenoble Alpes University, through an itinerary imagined by Yann Borgnet and Mikaël Chambru in the Queyras, in the footsteps of their fieldwork. Against a backdrop of questions that mark the quest for a mountain range’s trajectory between heritage, present and future prospects.

Yann Borgnet, also a mountain guide, will be present at the launch event on February 22, alongside glaciologist Luc Moreau. On February 27, 2024, a screening will take place at the Bourg Saint Maurice (73) cinema, featuring Mikaël Chambru, accompanied by Cailhol Xavier, a doctoral student at Savoie Mont Blanc University.

Discover the films in season 2 of La Voix des Glaciers.

Find out more about the film Transition and the dates of upcoming screenings.