Science and society
Transition in mountain tourism: launch of the “Etats généraux

The Etats généraux de la transition du tourisme en montagne will be officially launched on March 16, 2021, at a press conference organized as part of a European symposium.
On March 16 and 17, 2021, the Jura resort of Metabief will host a European summit dedicated to the impact of climate change on ski resorts, organized as part of the French presidency of the European Union’s Strategy for the Alpine Region(Suera). The issue of ski resort transition will be addressed based on the experience of the Jura resort.
These meetings will also mark the launch of the Etats généraux de la transition du tourisme en montagne, organized by the Mountain Wilderness and Transitions des territoires de montagne associations, and in which Labex ITTEM is a partner.
Scheduled for autumn 2021, these Etats généraux aim to federate all players in the mountain ecosystem to raise the voice of a different tourism model for mountain territories, whose issues and priorities have yet to be collectively defined.