Project life
The Perce-Neige collective is born
The launch day for the Perce-Neige collective of young researchers was held on November 9, inaugurating a new dynamic within Labex ITTEM.
The initiative’s starting point is the creation of innovative workspaces, designed by and for young researchers working on the theme of mountains within the perimeter of Grenoble Alpes and Savoie-Mont Blanc universities. ” We’re the first generation of researchers to start our careers in an interdisciplinary framework, and we see the potential of this openness. However, the framework in which we evolve is often constrained and prevents the emergence of experiments “, explains Raphaël Lachello, one of the co-founders of the collective, adding: ” Through this initiative, we hope to bring together the enthusiasm of young researchers with the needs expressed by local players “. Interdisciplinary by nature, Labex ITTEM offers a framework conducive to the emergence and development of this initiative, which it supports.
The launch day brought together over fifty participants for a conference and virtual workshops. The eight researchers behind the collective – PhD students, post-docs and engineers working in Labex partner laboratories – presented the background to its creation, its objectives and planned actions. At the heart of the issues at stake: mountain research and the consideration of environmental issues, within a resolutely interdisciplinary and partnership-based framework demanded by current global changes.