Ecotraversée des Ecrins

Born in 2018 in the Belledonne massif, the 4th edition of the Alpine Ecotraversée is moving to the Ecrins massif, based on the same principle of a touring hike open to all, discovering a territory and its stakeholders.

© Ma Louisette

    The Ecotraversée 2021 takes place in the heart of the Ecrins National Park. During their stopovers, participants meet various mountain stakeholders, with whom they can discuss the specific features and challenges – both human and environmental – of the territories they cross.

    Through different mediation methods and a diversity of viewpoints, this form of itinerancy enables a strong immersion in a territory. Prejudices are set aside as participants evolve and grasp the complexity of the issues they encounter.

    The Ecotraversée des Ecrins 2021 is supported and organized by the Alpes-là association, the Ecrins National Park and Labex ITTEM, which are committed to five key values:

    • Understand the challenges of a mountain region by discovering the area it crosses, its ecosystem and its challenges (local players, local transition initiatives, natural and human environment).
    • Limit the negative impact of mountain practices by reducing the environmental footprint (local food, zero waste, soft mobility).
    • Promote learning and sharing through open-mindedness and critical thinking (dissemination of science and research, multidisciplinarity, exchanges, transmission of knowledge).
    • Immerse yourself in a natural environment and take your time (on foot and in refuges, gîtes or bivouacs).
    • Putting the economy back at the service of people and the region (financial accessibility, economic balance of the project, contribution to the region’s economy)

    Evening events are also planned for the public in the vicinity of the refuges.

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