Ecotraversée de Belledonne

Since 2018, the Ecotraversée de Belledonne has been offering an itinerant hike across the massif. Each year, around fifteen participants set off to meet local stakeholders, to discover the region’s riches and understand the issues that drive it.

© Vincent Martin
© Sonia Petit

    The Ecotraversées offer an opportunity to immerse oneself in the natural and human dimensions of a mountain range. Along the way, participants – mountain enthusiasts from a wide range of backgrounds – meet a variety of local players and stakeholders, including scientists, artists, associations, mountain professionals and local residents. Each of them, in their own way, recounts a facet of the region, without forgetting the impact of mountain tourism practices. Evening events are also organized in the refuges along the route.

    Bringing together all these different experiences and testimonials enables us to appreciate the richness of the ecosystem, but also its fragility, and to better grasp the complexity of the issues to which it is subject. It’s also a unique opportunity to compare points of view through informal exchanges, meetings and debates. It can also be an opportunity to set aside certain prejudices.

    By raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting various local transition initiatives, the Ecotraversées organizers hope to contribute to the preservation of the region’s natural riches, notably by promoting less impactful mountain tourism: alternative mobility, local food…

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    23 July 2020 | Science and society

    The Ecotraversée de Belledonne 2020, in the footsteps of walkers

    From June 28 to July 4, 2020, the 3rd edition of theEcotraversée de Belledonne brought together fifteen participants eager to learn more about the…

    Belledonne Climate and ecological transitions Natural areas, resources and biodiversity Tourism and recreational practices