Services to the public – A Living Lab in Veynes

Début du projet : 2023

This educational workshop, for students of the Master Ingénierie du Développement et de l’Aménagement des Territoires en Transition (IDATT) at Grenoble Alpes University, took the form of a Living Lab with the inhabitants of Veynes in the Pays du Buëch (Hautes-Alpes). This “living lab” focused on issues of mobility and access to local services.

The students based their project on the Living-Lab methodology provided by Adrets – Association pour le développement en réseau des territoires et des services.

Firstly, they produced a diagnosis of the area, highlighting its specific problems. Secondly, they allowed ideas and projects to emerge in line with the working theme. It was in this context that they set up various participatory mechanisms during an initial residency in Veynes. Four participatory workshops were organized, open to local residents, to enable them to question their mobility practices, reflect on alternatives or imagine “ideal” developments in the commune to facilitate travel and access to services.

The qualitative and quantitative data collected was analyzed by the students and used to prepare the third stage of the project: putting the idea into action, enabling it to evolve into a concrete service. During their second stay, they set up two experiments: a physical car-sharing platform and the occasional pedestrianization of a strategic street identified as problematic by local residents.

The final stage of the project involved a joint evaluation of the tools and services created, to ensure their sustainability. To this end, the students organized a public presentation of all their work, and questioned the various local players on the relevance of their experiments, as well as on the future prospects for the continuation of this Living-Lab.

Training Büech Economy, jobs and services Energy, mobility and environmental quality Planning, public policy and governance
