Refuges sentinelles – witnesses and actors of change in the mountains

2020 - ...

Refuges sentinelles/Reflab aims to understand the links between the respective transformations of the natural environment and human activities in the high mountains, based on the observation of high-altitude refuges, which constitute privileged environmental and societal “radars”. This project is part of a multi-disciplinary, partnership-based and participatory approach, and contributes, through the prism of mountain huts, to the Alpine Sentinels program run by the CNRS Alps Workshop Zone.

© Philippe Bourdeau
Le refuge de Vallonpierre (massif des Ecrins), impliqué dans le projet Reflab © Philippe Bourdeau

The combined effect of environmental and cultural changes is renewing the public and practices at mountain refuges. From simple accommodations, they are becoming destinations in their own right, and laboratories in which niche innovations are contributing to the emergence of development models in line with the challenges of diversification and transition in mountain tourism. At the same time, the profession of janitor is becoming increasingly professional and diversified, requiring skills in cultural, educational and heritage mediation.

Placed at the heart of the Refuges sentinelles program, the refuge is used as a place for measurement, observation, work and exchange between the natural and social sciences. The main areas of research focus on visitor numbers, tourism and sports practices and occupations, in conjunction with meteorology, climatology, biodiversity, geomorphology, risks and safety.

These axes are implemented through surveys, the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, in situ observations, collaborative workshops, etc. At the end of each season, an inter-professional debriefing enables observations to be shared and the views of researchers and stakeholders to be cross-referenced.

The program, coordinated by the Pacte laboratory (UGA) in partnership with the Ecrins National Park, involves sports federations, professional organizations, tourist offices and local communities. At the heart of the program are the hut wardens, who are involved on a voluntary basis. A large number of professional and academic partners, including several Labex ITTEM member laboratories (Edytem, Irege, Lessem, Pacte, Sens) are also involved in the program (full list on the project brochure).

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17 January 2024 | Project life

When the mountains get political

On January 17, 2024, Grenoble University’s Pacte human and social sciences laboratory is organizing a seminar on migration, tourism and accommodation: when mountains become political.

Search Ecrins Mont-Blanc Vanoise Climate and ecological transitions Natural areas, resources and biodiversity Tourism and recreational practices