Odiss loups – Orality and science-society dialogue about wolves

Début du projet : 2024

Over the past thirty years, the return of wolves to the Alps has disrupted socio-ecosystems, which are increasingly subject to multi-use constraints. The aim of this project is to promote dialogue between all stakeholders – local and scientific – in order to share knowledge.

© Coll. Céline Cholez

The Odiss loups project – Oralité et dialogue science-société autour des Loups – is the result of a joint call for projects with the Zone Atelier Alpes (ZAA). It aims to lay the foundations for in-depth collaboration between different scientific disciplines (social sciences and natural sciences) and with local players involved in various mountain-related activities. Its aim is to imagine new territorial solidarities to collectively face the challenge of the presence of wolves. Inspired by citizen science approaches, the aim is to move beyond an asymmetrical vision of knowledge to :

1/ bring together different types of data: quantitative and qualitative data from expert and amateur research protocols, and experiential data from local riders. Using a variety of methods, the aim is to build “bridges” between these heterogeneous data and give meaning to the realities experienced and observed.

2/ to make science/society dialogue a tool for regional resilience, with the participation of stakeholders in the field aiming not only to contribute to scientific knowledge, but also to co-construct a system that supports individual and collective practices.

The methodology is based on the creation of a cartography of existing data and on the conduct of multi-actor participatory workshops based on different forms of orality (theater, audio, visual, textual, physical or cartographic narratives) establishing a common narrative of the territory’s lived experience, woven from individual experiences and scientific facts.

Also involved in the project: Chloé Baranowski (Fédération des alpages de l’Isère), Nicolas Batellier (Pacte), Reineking Bjoern (Lessem), Etienne Boncourt (Lessem), Bruno Caraguel (Fédération des alpages de l’Isère), Nathan Daumergue (Lessem), Fabrice Forest (FR Innovacs), Coralie Mounet (Pacte).

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