Coupe Icare – When hang-gliding shapes a mountain region

2023 - ...

The multi-disciplinary workshop is organized around a commission from the region, anchored in a contemporary issue that is salient to the players involved. In 2023-2024, the students took an interest in the Coupe Icare, the world’s biggest air sports event, held every year in the Chartreuse region.


The Coupe association, created in 1989 under the law of 1901, is the driving force behind this annual event, which attracts over 100,000 visitors each year to Saint-Hilaire du Touvet and Lumbin, in the Grésivaudan region, over four days in September.

The association is looking to students in the Applied Human Sciences degree program at Grenoble Alpes University to help it manage its success without abandoning its founding values (sharing, wide public access, local involvement, etc.), and to ensure the long-term future of a major event without altering the environment.

With this in mind, students draw on three academic disciplines (history, geography and philosophy) to draw up a bibliography and analysis of the scientific literature on outdoor sports.

They are also present at the event to question spectators, practitioners, local residents and members of the association. This field investigation should ultimately enable the students to propose action plans to the client.

The partnership with UGA’s Promising program provides the necessary logistical and pedagogical support: the coaching offered by a teacher from the Promising community (creativity and animation techniques) and the provision of a suitable work environment facilitate the project’s progress.