L’actualité du Labex

Publications, calls for projects, training activities... Follow the daily life of Labex ITTEM and its members.

09 June 2020 | Science and society

Refuges on stage

The exhibition “Refuges alpins. From makeshift shelters to high-altitude tourism” opened its doors on June 4 at Grenoble’s Musée Dauphinois, retracing two centuries of history…

11 May 2020 | Project life

Maestro project seminar

On May 25, Mikaël Chambru (Gresec), Aphélie Savarino and Quentin Daveau (UGA) will be guests at the Feast web seminar Montagne, tourisme et culture scientifique…

06 May 2020 | Call for projects

Call for Training projects launched

Labex ITTEM has just launched a Call for Training Projects 2020-2021. It is aimed at Master’s-level courses in the human and social sciences, linked to…