Labex life

Mountain Research School 2022: registration now open!

© Vincent Martin

Offered by Labex ITTEM and OSUG, the Mountain Research School (MRS) is a place for doctoral training in interdisciplinarity between human and social sciences and earth and environmental sciences in mountain regions.

Organized in the form of a tour of the Ecrins massif from June 26 to July 2, 2022, this initiative combines research, development and training around themes common to both Labexes: territorial trajectories in the face of environmental, social and economic risks & methods for observing coupled Earth/Ecosystem/Society dynamics.

In a collaborative research perspective, the Mountain Research School is contributing to the construction of the Lautaret-Oisans Long term socio ecosystem research (LTSER) platform within the European eLTER project.

Doctoral students observe, experiment and exchange ideas in situ with researchers and local players, with the Jardin du Lautaret as the arrival point for this itinerant training course. The final program for the 2022 edition is currently being finalized. In the meantime, read about the first Mountain Research School in 2021.

This training offer is aimed primarily at PhD students from Labex ITTEM and OSUG partner laboratories, who will cover the costs of supervision, accommodation and catering, with the exception of transport to Grenoble (departure by bus from Grenoble).

Pre-registration is open until May 18, 2022, using the online form available on the Labex OSUG website.

For further information, please contact: (Labex OSUG) or (Labex ITTEM).