
Meet us at the 2nd Labex ITTEM Partners Forum

In one month’s time, on October 21, 2022, Labex ITTEM will bring together all its partners – associations, socio-economic and institutional – for a day of exchanges with its research community, around the projects it supports.

After a first edition on the Vercors plateau in 2021, this year’s event will take place on the Grenoble campus, on the premises of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Inrae).

It will be an opportunity to showcase the variety of collaborations underway between academic and non-academic players, and the potential for further developing this dialogue, and strengthening the link between science and society.

This year, particular attention will be paid to the original tools and methods used in scientific mediation (games, In Situ, creative remix, etc.) on the one hand, and to the educational projects supported by Labex in conjunction with socio-professional and institutional partners on the other.

At a time of profound change and transition, the Partners’ Forum remains an ideal opportunity to exchange ideas across disciplinary and academic boundaries, and to imagine the mountain of tomorrow.

Forum date :
October 21, 2022

INRAE, Salle Écrins
2, rue de la Papeterie
Domaine universitaire
38402 Saint-Martin-d’Hères, France

Contact and registration:

Program :
9 am – Welcome and coffee

9:30 a .m. – Introductory remarks and presentation of the day’s activities
Kirsten Koop and Mikaël Chambru, Labex coordinators
Jean-Baptiste Grison, in charge of socio-economic promotion and training at Labex

10 a.m. – Presentation of current collaborative projects, and discussion of action-research tools and methods developed by Labex

11 a.m. – Forum: organized discussions between stakeholders and researchers

12 h 30 – 14 h – Buffet lunch

2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Presentations and discussions on Labex training projects and associated partnerships

3:30 p.m. – Labex and multidisciplinary doctoral training on mountains: Mountain Research School and other projects

4 pm – Labex news

4:30 pm – Conclusion

Event poster :