
Marchalp, the book

The Marchalp project is at the heart of the book Des chevaliers dans la montagne, Corps en armes et corps en marche 1515-2019, just published by UGA Éditions in the Carrefour des idées collection, edited by Stéphane Gal. Stéphane Gal teaches modern history at UGA and the Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (Larhra), and is particularly interested in warring societies and their relationship with mountain territories between the 15th and 18th centuries.

By bringing together disciplines such as history, biomechanics, computer science and physiology, as well as sportsmen, associations and mountain troops, the Marchalp project has turned the armed body into a source of information, the mountains into a laboratory, and a scientific adventure into a human adventure“.