Project life

Lyon-Turin or the rails of discord to discover in podcast

© Mikaël Chambru
Les étudiants de l’atelier Master 2 Communication et culture scientifiques et technique (CCST) de l’Université Grenoble Alpes ateliers sur le terrain, à la rencontre des acteurs.

How does the controversy surrounding the Lyon-Turin rail link fit into the public debate, and how can the complexity of the positions expressed on the subject be understood and transcribed?

In September 2022, students in the Master 2 in Scientific and Technical Communication and Culture (CCST) at Grenoble Alpes University spent a week immersed in the Maurienne region, at the heart of the area affected by this project, which has crystallized tensions since its approval by the European Parliament in 2004. As construction continues, they met many of the people involved, both for and against the project.

This type of field experience gives us a better grasp of the socio-scientific dimensions of a controversy, and the complex interplay of players and arguments that drive it. By confronting students with otherness, this detour via the mountains and social science research helps to develop their field fiber, inviting them to break with the common sense that is still all too common in the professional field of scientific mediation “, explains Mikaël Chambru, leader of this pedagogical workshop.

This experience gave rise to a series of podcasts for the program Camp de base, produced by Emilie Wadelle.

Discover the four episodes of the sound survey Sur les rails de la controverse.

Find out more about the Mobilités et controverseeducational project on the Lyon-Turin rail project and the article

Read also: Lyon-Turin: a sea serpent and a field of investigation for researchers