Call for projects

Labex ITTEM and OSUG launch a joint call for thesis projects

As part of their collaboration within the Mountain Research School, currently being set up, Labex ITTEM and Labex OSUG – Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers à Grenoble – are launching a joint call for mirror thesis projects on the theme of mountains.

The aim is to engage in multi or interdisciplinary reflection on the same subject and the same questioning, by mobilizing the methods and references specific to each of the disciplinary fields concerned, in the fields of human and social sciences (Labex ITTEM) and environmental sciences (Labex OSUG). The principle of mirror theses implies close collaboration right from the definition of subjects, and a coordinated response in pairs is required.

In 2021, two 3-year doctoral research grants (ADR) will be available, one within the scope of Labex OSUG, the other within the scope of Labex ITTEM. Projects can be proposed by any HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) researcher or engineer belonging to the respective perimeters of these two Labexes.

The framework, timetable and terms and conditions are detailed in the text of the call.

Projects must be submitted no later than 1 p.m. on March 31, 2021.