
Inter- and transdisciplinarity at a time of transitions: Tom Dedeurwaerdere in conference

© Carine Pachoud
Rencontre entre chercheurs, acteurs et résidents des territoires lors de la Résidence de recherche du collectif Perce-Neige à Gresse-en-Vercors (novembre 2021)

On Wednesday January 19, 2022, Labex ITTEM and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Alpes will welcome Belgian researcher Tom Dedeurwaerdere for a conference on the place of inter- and transdisciplinarity in research at a time of transitions.

Thinking about transitions in the mountains means envisioning a profound societal transformation capable of meeting the challenges of sustainability. In the field of research, it also means proposing new approaches and methods capable of accompanying these many changes.

Tom Dedeurwaerdere, a researcher at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and a specialist in inter- and trans-disciplinary research in the context of sustainable transitions, will address these issues in his talk. The conference will look at research methods for promoting collaboration between academia and society, and for co-constructing knowledge for ecological and social transition.

The day after the conference, a more informal exchange will be organized with Labex ITTEM researchers and partners to discuss more concrete examples of transdisciplinary research.

Conference title: “From interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods to the co-production of knowledge for ecological and social transition. Towards collective action to create partnership research capabilities.”
Date: January 19, 2022
Time: 4:30 pm – 6 pm
Location: MSH-Alpes, Université Grenoble Alpes campus (Saint-Martin-d’Hères)
Format: hybrid face-to-face(registration required)/visio on Zoom (click on the link).
Public : open to all

The replay of the conference will be available on the Labex ITTEM YouTube channel.

Find out more about Tom Dedeurwaerdere’s work:

See also the MSH-Alpesonline agenda