Les Rencontres du Labex ITTEM

Once a year, Labex ITTEM invites all its partners to share a time of exchange and reflection on past, current and future collaborations to collectively build the mountains of tomorrow, and strengthen the link between science and society.

© Ostiane Chaboisson

The Rencontres are a convivial highlight in the life of Labex ITTEM. They are an opportunity for researchers and partners – academic, institutional, associative and private – to get to know each other, to discover the forms and substance of existing collaborations on different projects, and to express their wishes for future partnerships and work themes.

In the academic field, bringing together researchers from different disciplines who share a common interest in mountain research enables them to tackle issues in a more global and complementary way.

Outside the academic sphere, the Rencontres provide an insight into the partnerships forged with socio-economic players in mountain areas: local authorities, natural and national parks, businesses, socio-professional structures and associations… They enable these players to share their experiences and needs. These transdisciplinary collaborations are at the heart of the Labex ITTEM project, which aims to support public action through co-constructed projects.

Against a backdrop of far-reaching changes that require us to imagine transitions, Labex ITTEM’s Rencontres provide an opportunity to exchange ideas across disciplinary and academic boundaries, using a variety of new formats (round tables, world cafés, posters, pitches, screenings, etc.). Spontaneous, informal discussions are often the starting point for new collaborations.

Photo credits: Céline Boudard, Ostiane Chaboisson, Leïla Shahshahani.

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