Governance of Labex ITTEM

In September 2022, Kirsten Koop (PACTE) and Mikaël Chambru (GRESEC) will take over scientific coordination of the Labex from Philippe Bourdeau (PACTE), who has been in charge since 2020.

The program is governed by five bodies:

The Bureau: made up of members of a Labex laboratory, and representing each of its supervisory bodies (UGA, USMB, INRAE), it meets once a month to prepare the monthly meeting of the Management Committee, discuss the distribution of different missions, and monitor scientific projects and international deployment.

Members: Isabelle Arpin (LESSEM), Mikaël Chambru (GRESEC) , Stéphane Gal (LARHRA), Kirsten Koop (PACTE)

The Management Committee: its members represent the partner laboratories, and meet at least once a month. Representing the operational level, it implements Labex actions and determines the annual budget structure. It defines the content of calls for projects, submits proposals to experts, examines expert reports and decides on funding.

Members: Isabelle Arpin (LESSEM), François Barque (CRJ), Karine Basset (LARHRA), Rachel Bocquet (IREGE), Malek Bouhaouala (SENS), Nicolas Buclet (PACTE), Marie Cambone (GRESEC), Mikaël Chambru (GRESEC), Nathalie Couix (LESSEM), Marie Courrèges (Centre Favre), Cristina Del Biaggio (PACTE), Mélanie Duval (EDYTEM), Stéphane Gal (LARHRA), Jean-François Joye (Centre Favre), Nicolas Kada (CRJ), Kirsten Koop (PACTE), Dominique Kreziak (IREGE), Sabine Lavorel (CRJ), Clémence Perrin-Malterre (EDYTEM).

The Steering Committee: made up of representatives of the Labex’s supervisory bodies, academic partners, local authorities and socio-economic partners, it meets once a year to assess the progress of activities, approve the scientific program and the resources deployed. This committee represents the decision-making level of the Labex.

Deliberative votes: INRAE, CNRS, USMB, UGA, Labex ITTEM.
Guest personalities: list to be validated.

The Laboratory Committee: made up of the directors of member laboratories, it meets at least once a year to discuss the Labex’s results and chosen orientations. It oversees the administrative management of the Labex, and ensures the coherence of the scientific articulation between the policies of the laboratories and the actions of the Labex.

Deliberative votes (one vote per laboratory): Rachel Bocquet (IREGE), Aina Chalabaev (SENS), Laurence Dumoulin (PACTE), Stéphane Gal (LARHRA), Alexandre Guigue (Centre Favre), Benoit Lafon (GRESEC), Ingrid Maria (CRJ), Yves Perrette (EDYTEM), Thomas Spiegelberger (LESSEM), Romain Tinière (CRJ).

The Scientific Committee: made up of French and international specialists in the Labex themes, it is involved in assessing the annual report, appraising and selecting projects, and in scientific events (winter universities, colloquia, etc.). As a consultative body, it guarantees the quality of the work carried out by the Labex.

A new Scientific Committee is in the process of being set up, in order to be as close as possible to Labex ITTEM’s orientations and themes for the 2020-2024 period.

Members of the Labex ITTEM support team:

  • Ostiane Chaboisson: scientific communication and administrative management
  • Amina Chbani: project coordination
  • Jean-Baptiste Grison: socio-economic development and training
  • Leïla Shahshahani: communication