Project life

Do we need to rethink sporting events in the mountains?

© Camille Girault
Sur le parcours du trail de l'Échappée Belle dans le massif de Belledonne

In a recent episode of the Le fond des choses series, Mountain Change Makers looks at the environmental impact of major events in mountain areas.

Can our mountain territories still host sporting or cultural events that bring together thousands of people?” asks the report.

We meet Camille Girault, researcher at the Edytem laboratory of the Université Savoie Mont Blanc, and leader of the EST3 project : Evénementiel sportif, transitions touristiques et territoriales within Labex ITTEM, whose work questions the territorial effects of sporting events.

Beyond the question of carbon footprint, the project looks at many other impacts linked to events, and more broadly at their direct and indirect territorial effects on the local economy, their development methods, their representations and their acceptance “, explains Camille Girault.

Alongside doctoral student Antonin Der Straeten, the teacher-researcher will be presenting his research at conferences for the general public organized as part of the 2024-2025 Amphis pour tous season, with a particular focus on the Tour de France.

Watch the Mountain Change Makers episode