Science and society

Biennale des villes en transition: the mountains on the program

From April1 to 4, Grenoble will host the third edition of the Biennale des villes en transition. At a conference broadcast on Télégrenoble from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on April 3, researchers and practitioners will discuss the themes of the Alpine Anthropocene, echoing Etienne Maury’sphotographic exhibition of the same name.

A little later in the evening, and still on Télégrenoble, four films tackling the issue of transitions in the mountains will be shown:

Avenir, by Laura Lardeux, recounts the political commitment of a group of La Clusaz citizens forming the ADN (Avenir-Démocratie-Nature) electoral list for the 2020 municipal elections, following the announcement of plans to build a Club Med at the foot of the Aravis mountain range.

Shelter, by Julien Roserens and Morgan Le Faucheur, illustrating the journey of five passionate riders determined to return to a more respectful and “low-carbon” approach to nature, through a tour of the Swiss and French Alps.

Miroir, directed by Pierre Reynard, examines the human link to the mountains from the Grenoble area.

Montagnes en transition, directed by Olivier Lefebvre and part of the Etats généraux de la transition du tourisme en montagne initiated by the associations Mountain Wilderness and Transitions des territoires de montagne.