Project life

Alpine flora: Croscus project students present their work

© Mikaël Chambru

As part of the Croscus educational project, students in the Master 2 in Scientific and Technical Communication and Culture (CCST) will be presenting the scientific communication prototypes they have designed for the Flore Sentinelle program at the Institut de la communication et des médias (Université Grenoble Alpes) on November 23.

After a week’s fieldwork in the Hautes Alpes at the end of September, the students have scripted and prototyped the information collected, and are now proposing new forms of scientific expression around the alpine flora and the Sentinel Flora project, led by the Zone Atelier Alpes as part of the Sentinelles des Alpes program. To do this, they experimented with a design thinking device, with Laura Schlenker from the La Fabrique Média collective. On the afternoon of November 23, they will publicly present the results of this work(also available online), which will close the 2021 edition of the project.

This project combines research issues with professional know-how in scientific communication and mediation, to think about “science-society” relations around the ecological transition in the mountains. ” Forging an interdisciplinary culture around science in society is essential today: it means giving ourselves the means to stand back and question the supposed impact of our actions, with regard to the socio-political context, organizational injunctions, issues, territorial dynamics, etc.,” explains Mikaël Chambru, project coordinator and researcher at the Groupe de recherche sur les enjeux de la communication (Gresec).

Watch a video preview of the week’s fieldwork in the Hautes Alpes region: