
Adapting to the climate: what solutions for mountain regions?

After Bordeaux in 2017 and Marseille in 2018, the3rd edition of the national symposium on adaptation to climate change will take place from January 25 to February 3, 2021 in Grenoble.

Originally scheduled for October 2020, the Adaptation and Mitigation. Actions climatiques dans les territoires – of which Labex ITTEM is a partner – is reinventing itself in an entirely digital format to adapt to health constraints.

The event aims to bring together knowledge from academic research and local initiatives, with a view to devising solutions based on shared experience. The mountains will form the backdrop to the various themes addressed: science and society, water and tourism, mobility, agriculture and forests…

The symposium is aimed at a wide range of players at national, regional and local levels: associations and citizens’ groups, NGOs, researchers, local authorities, companies, experts, citizens…

Several Labex ITTEM members are involved in the event, both on the organizing committees and as speakers. On January 26, Raphaël Lachello, from the Perceneige collective of young researchers, will talk about the importance of initiating the transition through an interdisciplinary approach co-constructed with local stakeholders. On January 29, Kirsten Koop (Pacte) – whose current work focuses on social innovations in the mountains that play a role in transition, in connection with the Transformont project – will lead the discussion devoted to mobility infrastructures.

Discover the full program and list of speakers on the symposium website.