
What the mountains have to say to the cities

Following on from the Vivehab project – Vulnerability, Innovation, Ageing, Employment, Habitability – supported by Labex ITTEM, Florent Cholat and Luc Gwiazdzinski (Pacte) have coordinated the book Vivere la montagna, just published by the Italian publisher Franco Angeli.

International and interdisciplinary contributions – in Italian and French – focus on the different ways of “inhabiting” the mountains, and the capacities for adaptation and innovation that emerge in this constrained environment. These are experiences and reflections that may be of interest to other territories in transition. The publisher sums it up as follows:

“The authors show that improvements are still possible through closer cooperation with other regions. Asplaces of innovation and the emergence of desirable possibilities, mountains and their inhabitants have much to say to cities and the world.

Link to the book on the publisher’s website