Project life

War in the mountains

Following on from the Marchalp and Carmo projects, and as part of the Conflits Innovations Montagnes (CIM) Chair signed between Grenoble Alpes University and the 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade, Stéphane Gal (Larhra) will be taking part in the seminar “La guerre en montagne: héritages et actualités” (Mountain warfare: legacies and current issues), to be held on Friday March 19 by videoconference from the École militaire de haute montagne in Chamonix.

His talk, part of Larhra’s Conflictuality axis, will be entitled ” Bourcet avant Bourcet ou de la guerre en montagne à la guerre de montagne ” (” Bourcet before Bourcet, or from mountain warfare to mountain warfare “).

Discover the full program.

Click here to follow the conference on YouTube.