Project life

Transition in the Queyras: the film on tour

This autumn, several cinemas will be showing the film Transition – Un raid anthropologique dans le Queyras by Yann Borgnet and Mikaël Chambru, retracing five days of adventure on skis and the quest for the trajectory of a massif, between heritage, present and future prospects.

The project is the brainchild of two researchers in the humanities and social sciences: Yann Borgnet, a doctoral student in geography and a high-mountain guide, and Mikaël Chambru, a lecturer at Grenoble Alpes University and a specialist in controversies surrounding transition issues in the mountains.

Then there’s the field of study. Yann and Mikaël have surveyed the Queyras as part of several research projects. They explored the complex links forged between agriculture and tourism, both competing and complementary, and the ways in which the region can be reinvented in the current climate change context.

This led to the idea, in the minds of the two researchers, of telling the story of Queyras through the testimonies of many of the massif’s key players, met during a ski tour in 2022. Accompanied by a group of customers interested in this original project, they went to meet these witnesses. This is the story they tell us.

Previewed at the conference Encore une transition? Les territoires de montagne face aux changements socio-environnementaux in December 2022, the documentary will be shown to the public for the first time in its final version on October 20, 2023 at Le Perchoir in Crolles (Isère).

After the screening, there will be a discussion with the audience about mountains, transition and research, in the presence of Mikaël Chambru, director and scientific coordinator of Labex ITTEM Innovations et transition territoriales en montagne, a structure bringing together some one hundred researchers in the human and social sciences working on mountains.

Other scheduled dates:

October 23, 2023 at La Côte-d’Aime (73)
Salle des fêtes, 8pm, as part of the Alpine Xplore Festival
→ in the presence of Mikaël Chambru

October 28, 2023, Bourg Saint Maurice (73)
Cinema, 1pm, as part of the Alpine Xplore Festival
→ in the presence of Mikaël Chambru

November 18, 2023 in Chambéry (73)

Find out more about the film here.