
Transition at work beneath our feet

The international conference Sols, sous-sols dans la transition socio-écologique, organized by the Pacte and Lessem laboratories, will take place from June 9 to 11, and will focus on three themes:
  • Knowledge and calculability of soils and subsoils in times of transition
  • Politicization, contestation and legislation of soils and subsoils in times of transition
  • Surveys, narratives and imaginaries of soils and subsoils in times of transition

The colloquium aims to decompartmentalize research communities around these issues, and to gain a better understanding of how soils and subsoils are enlisted in a series of promises and transition scenarios, and the controversies they give rise to. French and international researchers in the humanities and social sciences, ecology, geology and soil science – including several members of Labex ITTEM – will contribute to these exchanges.

Each day of the symposium will be introduced by a plenary lecture. One of these, entitled “Glacier des Alpes : dire leur disparition“, will be led by the Collectif Glacier.

The event, which will bring together between 250 and 300 participants, is supported by Labex ITTEM, Grenoble Alpes University, Inrae and the Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM).

Information and registration on the event website.