Science and society

The Demain les montagnes festival at a conference

As part of and prior to the Demain les montagnes festival, formerly the Salon du livre alpin, the Penser et construire ensemble les Alpes de demain conference will be held on June 19, 2024 at the Grenoble Museum auditorium.

The Friends of the Grenoble Museum are organizing the conference, which will take as its starting point the book La montagne en question(s) – enjeux et controverses à partir des Alpes , published by UGA Éditions in September 2023. Three guests will be on hand to exchange views with the audience: Marie-Christine Fourny, geographer and professor at Grenoble-Alpes University and co-editor of the book; Kirsten Koop, scientific coordinator of Labex ITTEM and teacher-researcher at Grenoble Alpe University’s Institut d’urbanisme et de géographie alpine; and Jean-Baptiste Grison, geographer and Labex ITTEM project leader.

The climate crisis is calling into question our representations of the mountains. Eternal snows, unchanging rocks, biological reservoirs, sporting and recreational terrain. All these images that dominate the social imagination of Alpine spaces become blurred when we project them into the future. But far from a “no future”, one is already at work “from below”, in a profusion of citizen initiatives, innovations and renewed desires for living. New challenges and conflicts are emerging, at the risk of fragmenting the territory, but also creating a multitude of possibilities. The challenge is to make them visible and put them up for debate, so as to think about and build a shared narrative for the mountains of tomorrow.

The conference will take place on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 9 pm at the Grenoble Museum auditorium. Admission is free.

To find out more about the festival: https: //