Call for projects

Research and training: Labex ITTEM’s new calls for projects

Présentation des projets de recherche du Labex ITTEM lors du Forum des partenaires à Autrans (Vercors) les 29 et 30 novembre 2021.

Labex ITTEM – Innovations et transitions territoriales en montagne – has just published two new calls for projects as part of its 2022 campaign. The first concerns research projects, with the aim of analyzing the forms and processes of transformations in mountain territories from a transition perspective. Projects, either “exploratory” or “consolidated”, with a maximum duration of two years, must be submitted by May 16, 2022 at the latest, and be led by a researcher who is a full member of a laboratory associated with Labex. They will fall within one or more of the four themes of the ITTEM 2020-2024 project:

  • Transformation of the relationship with nature, public action and the management of mountain environments
  • Transitions in tourism and recreation
  • Territorialities of transition: mobility, energy, communications
  • Mountains as “demonstrators

The other call for proposals concerns training projects, and is open to all Master’s-level human and social science courses linked to the laboratories involved in the Labex. Modules must include an issue related to mountains and territories, in line with the Labex themes of innovation, transition, transformation and foresight. Proposals for educational projects must be submitted no later than April 15, 2022. Projects will be carried out during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Find all Labex ITTEM calls for proposals and the forms to fill in in the dedicated section.