Science and society

Quality of life in the Alps: have your say!

As part of the preparations for the 10th State of the Alps Report initiated by the Alpine Convention – and in which Labex ITTEM is participating – a major survey of Alpine residents is being launched.

How satisfied are you with your quality of life? What needs do you have, and what changes would you like to see? The Alpine Convention – a 1991 international treaty signed by eight countries of the Alpine arc and the European Union, aiming at the sustainable development of the Alpine chain – wants to know your opinion on these questions. Placed under the Slovenian presidency for the period 2023-2024, it summarizes as follows:

People’s living conditions go beyond economic performance and living standards. This is why the concept of quality of life – which also includes the personal perceptions of individuals and the cultural and value structures of a society – is at the forefront of public policy and sustainable development thinking (…) The Alps can offer a high quality of life to their inhabitants, but to benefit from this, we need to understand what makes each region unique and what quality of life means to its inhabitants.”

The survey will feed into the 10th State of the Alps Report – the basis for information on the state and future of the Alpine region – from which recommendations are made to local, regional and national decision-makers.

The survey is open to anyone over the age of 15 living in the Alps. Responses must be sent in by July 31, 2023.

To take part in the survey: https: //
Or via QR code :

Read also, on the subject (in English): Survey on Quality of Life in the Alps