Transition dynamics in mountain environments: the Millevaches plateau


The aim of the thesis “Dynamiques de transition en milieu montagnard : la fabrique locale et citoyenne d’une société durable sur le plateau de Millevaches” is to analyze the imaginations of Plateau de Millevaches inhabitants whose practices are disruptive of the dominant norms of our society. It looks at how these specific ways of thinking and doing are deployed both within and outside the study area.

© Nassima Hakimi-Pradels
Réunion à « Quartier Rouge », une association culturelle impliquée dans les questions de développement local et située à Felletin (été 2018)

The Plateau de Millevaches is characterized by a high density of inhabitants with a discourse, practices and projects in line with a transition horizon: agro-ecology and short circuits, recycling activities outside conventional waste treatment circuits, education based on alternative pedagogies…

The guiding question of the thesis is the following: is it possible to detect markers clearly indicating that the “transitioning” inhabitants of the study area have succeeded in spreading the values and practices of transition on their territory, beyond their closest circles, thus initiating a territorial transition?

Among the markers we’re looking for, we’re particularly interested in changes in discourse, values, practices and representations of rural areas on the margins.

Thesis Massif central Climate and ecological transitions Economy, jobs and services Populations and territories
