Récitm2 – Stories, experiences and imaginary worlds in the mountains

Début du projet : 2023

The Récit’m2 project – Récits Expériences Communication Imaginaires et Transition en Moyenne Montagne – looks at the impact of reading a short story featuring elements of the natural environment on people’s ability to perceive this environment during a mid-mountain outing.

© Amélie Coulbaut-Lazzarini
De la réalité du terrain à la perception du randonneur, il y a parfois un grand écart... que le projet Récitm2 essaie de mieux cerner.

This project looks at the potential impact, particularly for people visiting mid-range mountain areas, of the synergy of stories and nature experiences on the evolution of their relationship with living things and the environment. In other words, does reading a short story featuring elements of the natural environment (animals, plants) modify people’s ability to perceive this environment during a mid-mountain outing?

In fact, the previous project had shown the poor perception of the real environment despite the practical experience: almost no perception of flora and fauna, apart from emblematic animals such as chamois or marmots, drawings of snow-covered peaks to represent the middle mountains in summer…

Récit’m2 aims to involve reading and then contributing to the development of fictional narratives (storytelling type) based on real experiences (the outings made by the people interviewed). It will then investigate whether these developments have any repercussions on the daily practices of the public and their relationship with the living world. Carried out by three laboratories (Gresec, Pacte, Imsic), the project will be implemented in several areas (mid-alpine mountains, Parc du Pilat, calanques in Marseille) and is intended to be transposable to areas such as urban parks, in order to measure its effects on audiences further removed from the mountains.

Search Bauges Belledonne Calanques Chartreuse Pilat Climate and ecological transitions Natural areas, resources and biodiversity Tourism and recreational practices