Recibiodal – The effects of the presence of wolves in Belledonne


Recibiodal is a research-action-creation project aimed at (re)thinking the social dimension of the effects of the presence of wolves in Belledonne, by placing it within a more general issue of territorial resilience in the face of a need for agropastoral and food transitions.


© Marion Simon Deloche
Les clôtures constituent une des mesures de protection des troupeaux ovins contre la prédation

Co-sponsored by the Pacte laboratory and Espace Belledonne (association for the prefiguration of a Belledonne Regional Nature Park), the Recibiodal project – Reciprocity at the crossroads of town and mountain: landscapes of biodiversity and food – is part of an ongoing effort to reconcile human activities (pastoralism, hunting, tourism) and wildlife (ibex, black grouse, wolves). This approach has been supported for several years by Espace Belledonne, in partnership with the Fédération départementale des chasseurs de l’Isère (FDCI), the Fédération des alpages de l’Isère (FAI), the Société d’économie alpestre de la Savoie (SEA73) and the Office français de la biodiversité (OFB).

This project, which brings together local researchers and stakeholders as well as an artist-photographer, questions biodiversity conservation by balancing knowledge and experience of “nature” from the point of view of local residents (local scale) with scientific knowledge and experimentation on biodiversity (global scale): how to conserve biodiversity while taking into account the specific features of a territory (human, animal, geographical, etc.), the experiences of residents and stakeholders, and ultimately, what we value individually and collectively for these territories.

This project puts forward the hypothesis that biodiversity conservation must take into account other fundamental issues for territories, such as food (production and consumption) and landscapes (quality of development).

The Recibiodal project also benefits from financial support from Labex Osug and Idex UGA.

Researchers associated with the Recibiodal project :

Dominique Baud (Pacte), Caroline Brand (Isara) Mikaël Chambru (Gresec), Edith Chezel (Pacte), Pauline Dusseux (Pacte),

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