Culture and its audiences: musical itinerancy in the mountains


The multi-disciplinary workshop is organized around a commission from the local area, anchored in a contemporary issue of key importance to the players involved. In 2022-2023, the Espace culturel Chaillol asked students from the Applied Human Sciences degree program at Grenoble Alpes University to take a look at its image and its management of mobility and transport.

© Nicolas Mathieu

Espace Chaillol is an association founded in 1996 and based in Gap, with the aim of organizing advanced musical training courses, combined with a number of concerts in the Chaillol 1600 resort (Southern Alps). In response to the enthusiasm of local authorities and the public, the idea of a festival was born, based on the concept of itinerant musical events in mountain areas, particularly in the Champsaur valley.

At the same time, Espace Culturel Chaillol organizes cultural activities throughout the year. Mediation with young people and disadvantaged audiences (prisons, disabled people) is an important part of the program.

The problem posed to the students revolved around two key points: repairing the image the association suffers among young people, and managing mobility and transport in constrained spaces, in turn questioning the ecological dimension of the festival, a member of the Collectif des festivals éco-responsables et solidaires de la Région Sud.

With this in mind, the students delve into a scientific bibliography in three academic disciplines (philosophy, history and geography) focusing on culture and its audiences in the mountains. In the field, they learn about local constraints, visit concert venues and exchange ideas with all members of the association. This field survey provides a technical and practical complement to the workshop, and should ultimately enable the students to propose action plans to the sponsor.

Training Champsaur Culture and heritage Planning, public policy and governance Populations and territories