TSMI – Innovation dynamics in mountain sports tourism

Début du projet : Between 2015 and 2019

The TSMI project – Ecosystème rhône-alpin dutourisme sportif en montagne et dynamiques d’innovation – presents the evolution of the sector and the adaptation of its economic and institutional players.

© Leïla Shahshahani

The mountain sports tourism sector is a world-class social and economic ecosystem located in the Rhône-Alpes region. Its functioning is analyzed in three interdependent dimensions: institutions, companies and uses. The aim of the project is to understand the logics and interactions between the various players involved in the innovation processes at work.

– Public or associative mountain tourism institutions are involved in mountain development through investment and/or promotion of the region as a tourist destination. They are involved in the innovation process through investment and financial and non-financial incentives.

– Tourism and mountain sports service and equipment companies help develop a world-class tourism offering. Their actions contribute to the creation of regional wealth and the attractiveness of the region. Companies are involved in the innovation process through private investment, in response to consumer trends and the pressure of international competition.

– Uses refer to the recreational and tourist practices that tourists and local residents develop when visiting the mountains. As their needs evolve, they interact with companies and institutions to produce innovative solutions.

The other scientific managers of the project are : Anne Dalmasso (Larhra) and Dominique Kreziak (Irège)

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