Geobio – Exploratory survey of geobiology practices

Début du projet : 2021

The Geobio exploratory survey is based on encounters with geobiologists in the Grenoble metropolis and nearby areas (Vercors, Trièves and Drôme des collines). Its aim is to methodologically question the study of this practice, and to produce an analysis of its relationship with ecological transition processes.

© Claire Revol
Les baguettes, l’un des instruments du géobiologue

Geobiology, which has been booming for the past fifteen years, encourages and experiments with specific forms of sensoriality and attention to soil and living environments, from both a therapeutic and aesthetic point of view. It is approached as a set of sensorialities attentive to earth energies, from which are developed advisory and care practices associated with the fields of natural health and eco-housing.

Following the example of work in ‘eco-somatics’, which brings together the body, geography and ecology, the Geobio exploratory survey aims to qualify these practices and their sensory issues, as well as the way in which they inform the processes of socio-ecological transition and help to generate new potential for caring for the soil, plants, animals, humans and the habitat.

This perspective enables us to approach mountain spaces as “living spaces” and not just as “experienced spaces”. The aim of this exploratory survey is to deploy a protocol consisting of a multi-part interview and in situ exploration, conducted over several appointments.

Researchers associated with the Geobio project :

Jérémy Damian (Pacte), Olivier Labussière (Pacte), Laure Brayer (Cresson).

To consult the research report, please contact Claire Revol, project coordinator.

Search Queyras Trièves Vercors Climate and ecological transitions Energy, mobility and environmental quality Tourism and recreational practices
