L’actualité du Labex

Publications, calls for projects, training activities... Follow the daily life of Labex ITTEM and its members.

02 September 2022 | Agenda

Alpweek, three days of transition

This year’s AlpWeek “Alps in Transition”, coordinated by the main Alpine organizations working for mountain protection and sustainable development, will take place from September 5…

06 July 2022 | Labex life

Labex on a European road tour

From June 15 to 17, the University of Milan’s Unimont Center in Edolo hosted a series of meetings organized in collaboration with…

28 June 2022 | Labex life

An ITTEM label for mountain Masters

As part of its new “training” accreditation, Labex ITTEM is now a partner of the History Master’s degree course in Applied History at Grenoble Alpes…

20 June 2022 | Project life

Welcome to the mountains in… 2050

The web documentary Futourisme, produced by the Universities of Savoie Mont Blanc, Grenoble Alpes, Clermont Auvergne and Lyon and supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, has…