L’actualité du Labex

Publications, calls for projects, training activities... Follow the daily life of Labex ITTEM and its members.

27 June 2024 | Labex life

Four years of research ahead

As Labex ITTEM 2020-2024 draws to a close, a writing residency for the researchers whose projects it has supported is being organized from June 26…

06 May 2024 | Project life

On the trail of budding researchers

A podcast takes us on a journey to discover a research project dedicated to scientific eco-volunteering in the Écrins massif. For Silence podcast, l’esprit sauvage,…

14 March 2024 | Science and society

And tomorrow in the Vercors?

On March 22, 2024, a round-table discussion in the Vercors will bring together a number of speakers to examine the dependence of mid-mountain regions on…