Labex life
Mountains in transition: crossed views from a climatologist and an anthropologist
As part of the launch of its new 3.0 project, Labex ITTEM will welcome Valérie Masson-Delmotte and Nicolas Nova for an inaugural conference on Thursday December 12, 2024.
Respectively climatologist and anthropologist, they will take an expert yet distanced look at mountains, the crises that are shaking their territories and the transitions that are being invented. From the effects of climate change to the response of stakeholders, via the place and role of the researcher in public action, they will shed light on the current context and open the debate with the public.
Conference information:
Climate and mountains in transition: what dialogue between research and action?
With Valérie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist, member of the French High Council for Climate and former member of the IPCC.
& Nicolas Nova, anthropologist at the Haute école d’art et de design de Genève, author of the book Fragments d’une montagne.
Moderator: Isabelle Arpin (Lessem)
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
IMAG building, Saint-Martin-d’Hères campus (38)
Admission to the conference is free, but registration is required at:
It will be followed by a buffet.