Nassima Hakimi-Pradels

Laboratoire associé
Pacte (UGA)

Since 2017, I've been a PhD student at the Pacte laboratory, in geography. Between 2017 and 2020, I was funded by a doctoral contract from Labex ITTEM. Since September 2020, I have been an associate professor of geography at the University of Cergy, while writing my thesis.

Research domain

I work on the dynamics of social and ecological transition in the mountains. My thesis, Dynamiques de transition en milieu montagnard : la fabrique locale et citoyenne d'une société durable sur le plateau de Millevaches (Transition dynamics in a mountain environment: the local, citizen-based creation of a sustainable society on the Millevaches Plateau ), looks at the imaginations of Plateau de Millevaches inhabitants whose practices are disruptive of society's dominant norms, and examines how these ways of thinking and doing are deployed both within and outside the study area.