Marie Forget

Laboratoire associé
Edytem (USMB)

I'm a lecturer and researcher in Geography at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc, and a member of the interdisciplinary Edytem laboratory. My research focuses on "Resources and Heritage" and "Political Trajectories in the Mountains". It focuses on the use and preservation of resources, with particular reference to the mine-water-energy nexus. I'm also deputy head of the Geography department.

Research domain

I analyze and study territorial dynamics from local to global scales, as well as the roles of mountain territories in energy transitions. My fields of study focus on the Andes (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Colombia), the Alps, the Massif Central and the Iberian Peninsula. My aim is to understand the power relationships and territorial impacts induced by a differentiated transition between North and South. In the mountain territories involved, nature/society relationships can be read through the construction of differentiated resources based on local societal values and globalized resource diplomacy. My research falls within the field of environmental humanities, seeking to decompartmentalize knowledge by sharing disciplinary know-how on cross-disciplinary issues.