Louis Defraiteur

Laboratoire associé
Edytem USMB)

I'm a PhD student at the Edytem laboratory on the Bourget-du-lac campus (Université Savoie Mont Blanc). After a degree in geography and development in Albi (Inuc), I turned to the theme of human - non-human relationships during my two years of master's studies. First, I explored wild boar-related conflicts between hunters and breeders in Ariège (Master's thesis 1), then I did an internship (Edytem) on mountain hunting practices in the Bauges massif (Savoie) and their relationship with wildlife (Master's thesis 2). Today, this path has led me to write a thesis on the practices and experiences of wildlife-watching tourism.

Research domain

Through my doctoral work, I'm questioning the notion of transition, and more specifically the transition of tourism and recreation, by studying the dynamics of mid-mountain destinations, between transition and diversification of practices. These processes are paralleled by changes in our relationship with nature, and more specifically in my case, with wild animals.